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Improve your campaign ROI with Experiential Marketing landing pages

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Chella Kumar

Date posted: November 22, 2022

Global digital advertising spending is growing rapidly and is expected to touch $ 680B in 2023. However marketers find it difficult to justify the ROI on digital (Search, Display, Social, Video) campaigns with the existing tools and frameworks as the conversion rates are dropping.

Among various milestones in a campaign journey, the most significant engagement/value drop occurs after an ad click and before form fill. The common reason for this drop is the lack of value offered in return to form filling. 99% of the current form CTA’s do one of the following: they have proved ineffective.

  • Plain inquiry form submission
  • Offer a case study/white paper in return
  • Provide a coupon/offer code
  • Register into a platform/portal

We see our enterprise marketing clients fix this by adopting Experiential Marketing (aka Engagement Marketing) widgets into their landing pages. Unlike flat informative landing pages, these start by capturing customer persona, offer a personalized product offering/outcome, and seamlessly engage them in contact forms. In addition to improving the number of leads, the percentage of SQLs for such campaigns will be much higher. Here are examples comparing how an experiential marketing page would position a message compared to its traditional version.

Experiential Marketing

Example: Unlock cost savings with Citrix and Azure Virtual Desktop, Which dental procedure is right for you?

As you observed, these campaign landing pages focus on identifying the offer/benefit in the customer’s context and getting them closer to the product. A few considerations to keep in mind when you build your first experiential marketing pages are,

  • Keep the UX consistent, responsive, engaging, and aligned to your branding guide.
  • KISS it; the flow should only take 30 to 45 secs complete
  • Build it as a standard alone widget (SPAs) on the cloud using a modern tech stack
  • Separate content and logic from the UI with headless CMS for easy updates

These attributes help maximize ROI through constant updates while facilitating the repurposing of the widgets across multiple campaigns, product marketing pages, mobile apps, and platforms.

Besides the technical know-how, these projects require much support from the Product Marketing team to ensure the subject matter is accurate and aligned with the product vision. An excellent place to start is to lift and shift the values and formulas from an approved spreadsheet-based calculator the internal team has been using.

I hope you are ready to add a twist to your next campaign! Do reach out in case you have questions.

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